Wednesday 4 April 2012

A Good Assignment Takes Preparation...

So far this week I have had 2 incredibly bust days at University, Monday was torture! I was at Uni all day working on my short film and going to class. Filming, class, class, editing, class, editing! It really takes it out of you! If you have ever spent 4 hours in a tiny editing suite then you will know how I feel! And then the film itself was due the next day so that was hectic as well! So today I was pleasantly surprised to get some good news in the morning, Studylink finally rang me and my Student Allowance has finally been sorted out! Perhaps now I can save enough money to go shopping! Its been so long and lord knows I love to shop!

I then had a teeny tiny 1 hour class where I got back my short essay to discover this little gem waiting for me...
My first mark of the year! Off to a good start!
I have an assignment due tomorrow (Thursday) and I haven't exactly started it yet so I decided I would hunker down and do it now. After I had checked out Blogger obviously! For me to prepare to start an essay it takes a lot of procrastination, erm, I mean preparation ; P So i set myself up with a little 'work space' meaning my bed!
My crazy amount of paper! And of course Blogger in the background

Nothing says study session like a candle corner right? Or am I making this up?
So here I go! Logging off of my blog, and hitting the books. Hopefully... 

Wish me luck


1 comment:

jessica said...

Good luck with all your assignments!! I've only been out of college a couple years, but I have many many memories of HOURS and HOURS spent with my nose in a book! You can do it :)


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