Tuesday 15 May 2012

Exciting Things!

Hey guys!
So exciting things went down yesterday...

I bailed on my afternoon class and drove to Auckland with 3 of my friends, after grabbing some food we headed to the Auckland University for a meeting about something that may change my life quite drastically. I have been putting off telling you guys what I'm hoping to do next year because I know its not very likely I will get in, BUT I told myself I wanted to be honest on here so here it is...

I am applying for an internship at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

After the meeting were interviews and I was considering signing up, but this round of interviews are for the January 2013 to January 2014 programme. Aaand my 21st birthday is in February 2013, my Uni graduation is in May, and I get my braces off in May (Woohoo!) so me and one of my friends in the same boat (minus the braces)  made the decision to wait, I knew I would regret missing such important things. My other friend however did apply, so fingers crossed for her!

The Disney recruiters come back in September to interview for the August 2013 to August 2014 programme and I will be there with bells on!!

I have never been to America and I think this would be the perfect way to experience the culture, work in a fantastic place and gain new life experiences!!

I'm so excited!! And I will keep you updated with how things go :) no secrets here...

p.s. On a Disney related note I'm finally going to see The Avengers tonight! (Did you know Disney owned Marvel? I was pretty surprised) So expect my very first movie review tomorrow :D


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow - sounds like a pretty cool opp! I want to apply to be a waitress on a disney cruise, which is a bit different aha. Orlando is great and you will keep busy but hopefully you will get out of Orlando and even Florida because America definitely has better things to offer. Best of luck! x

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