Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sunday Social

So I am exhausted after a long day of moving my worldly possessions from my flat to my mum's house, where I will be living until I head to Disney in August next year! My room is looking super cute, but still full of stuff that hasn't found a home yet. Its a work in progress.

So I am linking up Sunday Social, which I always find super fun!
Sunday Social

What is currently on your wish list? 
Man what isn't! I am in desperate need for so many things! Mainly clothes, most of the clothes in my wardrobe I have had for many years and some of them are starting to fall apart. Its a sad sad thing. Also a job, definitely wishing for a job.

Share a new iPhone app you have recently discovered that we all need:
I am without an iPhone which makes me sad inside. Maybe one day soon

What is a new fall TV show you have added to your DVR?
I watch most of my new TV online seeing as New Zealand is wildly behind. My new favourites are Revolution and Arrow, but I am a sucker for my old favourites.

Share your social media links for us to follow you on & tell us which your fave and why:
Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and again, no iPhone so no Instagram :( But I love me some Twitter! I like stalking celebs, and interacting with the bloggy community, its just so much fun!

What is a TV series/movie/song you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?
T.V Shows: Supernatural (always always always!!), The O.C, Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds. Plus so many more! I am a huge re-watcher of shows I love!
Movies: All Harry Potters, and School of Rock, I know them both off by heart!

I'm off to re-watch Gilmore Girls for the hundredth time, then sleeeeeeep! Mmmm sleep.

1 comment:

Cathy Trails said...

Yes. New clothes, going out clothes..heck just clothes in general! And boots, winter clothes, coats...I'm right there with you sister!

Cathy Trails

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